Sunday, October 19, 2008

Race Day

Last night, I went out for what was to be my "last meal" pre-race day. After consuming some delicious sushi and spirits at Jianken ( way underrated in my own opinion) with friends, my head finally hit the pillow at midnight. Deep down, I knew this wasn't a wise choice but, after all, I was only running the half marathon. Keeping this in mind, consuming a beer or two and not getting a proper night's rest the night before the race wasn't that important...or was it?

I was up before the alarm went off (5:20am), already making my pre-race energy jolt...a French press coffee. Throwing on my favorite running shorts, (as my parents so dutifully remind me are Cal colors, Go Bears!) I was out the door and on the way to Denver by 5:45am.

Making it to Denver with twenty-five minutes to spare, I hit the bathroom one last time (another adventure in itself which, I will spare you of), and headed for the start line. I was all smiles in the chill of the early morning air ready to run.

One hour, two hours, and by mile eleven my quads were on fire! With only two more miles to go, I began to feel the consequences from my poor decisions the previous two evenings. In pain and not properly hydrated, I pushed on chanting a mantra that I saw on a sign at mile marker six. "Do it today, do it today, do it today." Each time my foot hit the pavement, I continued "do it today, do it today, do it today," surprisingly it kept my motivation alive and I began to push myself harder.

I looked up and the clock read two hours and ten minutes. I did it! I was done! Oh man, did it and does it feel good.

1 comment:

tarable said...

You did such a great job on race day, considering all the choices you made the night before. I'm sorry we didn't see each other until the end of the race and even sorrier that you didn't feel like drinking beers with me afterwards.

I can't wait to buy that picture of you crossing the finishing line so that I can blow it up into a life-sized poster version that you can use for motivational purposes.

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